Friday, February 20, 2009

My sister, the civil rights attorney

My sister Amy's birthday today got me thinking about her wedding last September in San Diego. Here are a few pics:

That day was so perfect, really, this is what it felt like:

But then California went and did something stupid. It passed Prop 8. This made Amy mad.

Making Amy mad is something you shouldn't do. My formative years went much more wedgie-free once I figured this out.

So Amy quit her job at her high-falutin' law firm in Manhattan and she's packing her bags to move back to San Francisco, starting work for the National Center for Lesbian Rights in a couple of weeks, where she is going to do even more things that make me proud to be her little brother.

My sister, the civil rights attorney. That just sounds so cool. What's cooler than that? My sister, the astronaut? Like, maybe a Mars astronaut. Maybe.

Anyway, happy birthday, Ame. I got you this shiny blog post. But don't worry -- we got you a sweater, too.


  1. Mike, your sister would be proud of your mad photoshoppin' skillz.

    Oh, and it's also cool that she's fighting for civil rights.

  2. Did you make all those banners? Those things are seriously pro.

  3. I read this post twice, thinking I missed something because you mistakenly spelled your sister's name Ame at the end... then I realized that you meant it to sound like Aim (like something short for Amy).

    Anyway, Happy Birthday to Mike's younger sister Amy! She's the greatest and most funnest - and she has a hot (and I do mean HOT) wife!

  4. Allover -- Thanks, dude. It took me a little while to clip out all those varmints. I suffer for my art. And my buddy Perlson cranks out those bitchin' banner graphics, once he stops whining about how he has other stuff to do, like take care of his six-month-old.

    Chunks -- Amy can be a tough one to spell, once people start throwing i's and e's into it. But luckily my sister is the three-letter variety. Word, man. Good to hear from you.

  5. I'm not sure if I'm getting more oblivious or you're getting better at pseudo-photoshop, but I didn't realize that there were 'extra' animals in that picture until oliver pointed it out :(

  6. Sergey -- That's quite the compliment. Yeah, I photoshopped in one of the butterflies. The rest was real.
