Thursday, December 29, 2005

2005: It ain't over 'til it's Hofer

Here's a collection of my favorite freakin' pics from Jeff Hofer. This is a Good Frickin' Picture Wednesday 2005 retrospective, if you will. Rich people: feel free to put Hofer's art in your galleries and give him lots of money. Everyone else: Happy Frickin' New Year!

Hay kid:

Mountain guy:

Donatello, if Ninja Turtle:

Muy frickin' colorful:

Girl with one much longer leg:

Little girl who can rip apart a chain link fence with her bare hands:

Like Egypt, but Guatemalier:

Koosh ball tree:

Guy with ferret in jacket:


  1. Good way to the end the year. These were good frickin' pics!

  2. Nice pictures! My favorite is the colorful cloth one. What a dizzying array.

    Happy 2006 to you Mike Todd!

  3. Those are such great pictures. Thanks for posting them! I loved your captions as well.

  4. Hope you have a good frickin' New Year!!! Thanks for the memories.

  5. I'm waiting for the calendar. happy frick'n new year.
